1- Manuscript submission by the Author.
2- Editorial assessment.
3- Evaluation by the Editor in Chief.
4- Assingment (if required) to the Area Editor.
5- Referee selection and sending to referees.
6- Inspection and evaluation by the referees.
7- The final evaluation by the Processing Editor who
Completes the reports or reviews and send back to Editorial Office.
8- Decision informed to the Author by a decision e-mail.
9- Printing stage.
Dear Visitors of our Website,
It has come to our attention that unscrupulous individuals have been impersonating the Turkish Journal of Field Crops over the past five years (between 2020 and 2024). They have engaged in the deceitful practice of accepting manuscripts outside of our journal's scope and publishing them in a counterfeit electronic journal. These actions are perpetrated by individuals lacking integrity, who have exploited the reputation of our esteemed journal without remorse.
We strongly advise against trusting any suspicious offers or visiting fake websites claiming association with our journal. Such deceitful practices not only undermine the credibility of genuine scientific publications but also pose a threat to the integrity of the scientific community as a whole.
We urge you to exercise caution and vigilance when engaging with online platforms claiming affiliation with the Turkish Journal of Field Crops. Should you encounter any questionable activity or receive dubious offers purportedly from our journal, please report them to us immediately.
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Best regards,
Prof. Dr. Emre İLKER
Editor - in - Chief
It is need to known that we don't any relation with fake website (http://tarlabitkileridernegi.org/index.php/tarlabitkileridernegi). The evil-minded persons were imitiated our journal website (http://field-crops.org) by use of same web design and similar domain name of our society website (http://tarlabitkileri.org).
The website of Society of Field Crops Science is "http://tarlabitkileri.org".
The website of Turkish Journal of Field Crops is "http://field-crops.org".
Please consider these two websites.
It is also possible to avoid from fake website by checking DOI numbers at "https://doi.org". When checking the DOI number of articles, you will be directed to article informations at "https://dergipark.org.tr" is our govermental (ULAKBIM and TUBITAK) foundation for all Turkish journals.
Please don't give chance to evil-minded people.
Best regards.
- Breeding and Genetics
- Agronomy
- Physiology
- Forage Crops
- Medicinal and Aromatical Plants
- Biotechnology
- Utilization
Manuscript should be written in Microsoft Word, DIN-A4 pages, letter «Times New Roman» size 12, with 1.5 line spacing, 2 cm margins on each side, page and line numbers.
Word editor should be used to create tables, for tables each item should be placed into a separate cell. Dimensions of tables must be maximum 16 × 20 cm and minimum 8 cm wide. Tables are to be numbered with Arabic numerals in the order in which they are referred to in the text and have a brief, but self-explanatory title. Abbreviations or symbols used in the tables must be explained either in the table title or as a footnote.
Figures should be submitted in TIFF or JPG format and dimensions of figures must be maximum 16 × 20 cm and minimum 8 cm wide. All photos, graphs, illustrations and diagrams should be referred to as a figure and numbered, continually according to the order in which they are included in the text.
If any abbreviations are used in a paper, they shall be explained appropriately when they are used in the text for the first time. It is not advisable to use any abbreviations in the paper title or in the abstract. Then use the abbreviation throughout the entire article. The SI international system of measurement units should be used. Genus and species are always italicized. Do not italicize "spp." or "sensu stricto" or "sensu lato" that may follow genus and species.
The title should be short and clear and usually cover less than two printed lines. It should not include chemical formulas or arbitrary abbreviations. The list of authors and their affiliations, including city, state, country and the corresponding author’s email address should be provided in this section, marked with an asterisk for identification.
Journal articles:
Cui, P., Li, Y., Cui, C., Huo, Y., Lu, G., & Yang, H. (2020). Proteomic and metabolic profile analysis of low-temperature storage responses in Ipomoea batata Lam. tuberous roots. BMC Plant Biology, 20, 435. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12870-020-02642-7
Reddy, V. R. (1995). Modeling ethephon-temperature interactions in cotton. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 13, 27–35. https://doi.org/10.1016/0168-1699(95)00012-S
Grady, J. S., Her, M., Moreno, G., Perez, C., & Yelinek, J. (2019). Emotions in storybooks: A comparison of storybooks that represent ethnic and racial groups in the United States. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 8(3), 207–217. https://doi.org/10.1037/ppm0000185
Congress paper: Khan, M., Quade, A., & Murray, D. (2006). Mirid damage assessment in Bollgard II—Critical damage stage and action thresholds at different stages in irrigated and rain-grown cotton. In Proceeding of the 13th Australian Cotton Conference (pp. 543–554). Australian Cotton Growers Research Association.
Books: Steel, R. G. D., & Torrie, J. H. (1980). Principles and Procedures of Statistics: A Biometrical Approach. 2. ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Publ. Company.
Chapter in Books: Knight, K., Grundy, P., Kauter, G., & Ceeney, S. (2021). Twenty years of successful Bt cotton production in Australia. In G. T. Gujar, Y.A. Trisyono, & M. Chen (Eds.), Genetically modified crops in Asiapacific (pp. 53–74). CSIRO Publishing.
Online References: Holsinger, K. (2008). The genetics of natural selections. http://darwin.eeb.uconn.edu/eeb348/ lecture-notes/selection/selection.html, (Accessed January 20, 2010)
If a manuscript does not fit to the style, form and regulations of this journal it will not be accepted to the evaluation stage.
The manuscript will be evaluated for fabrication, falsifications and plagiarism by the editors before assigning to the referees.
Before sending your manuscript check the followings:
2- Abstract: should be self-contained, citiation free and not exceed 250 words.
3- Format: your paper should be in the format of the journal
4- remove the plagiarism
5- length of manuscript should be appropriate (max. 18 pages)
6- review and check spelling and grammatical errors
7- appropriate number of references in the proper format
8- each author may have a maximum of two manuscripts published in the same issue of the journal.
Publication Contribution
The author should make a contribution of USD 250 to share the publication costs. The Open Access publication model allows all interested readers to freely view, download, print, and redistribute articles without requiring a subscription. This enables far broader dissemination of an author’s work. Through Open Access, both the scientific community and the general public can access all published content immediately and at no cost once it becomes available online. However, open access publishing is not possible without expenses. Since we do not rely on online subscriptions, we cover editorial and production costs by collecting a manuscript handling fee from authors who wish to publish their articles under the Open Access model. The publication fee and payment information are stated on our website (https://www.field-crops.org/).
The printing charges may kindly be sent to bank account of Society of Field Crop Science.
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